Angol, nem csak kezdőknek | English not only for beginners
Angol órák kezdőknek
Ez a 1,5 órás szombat délelőtti foglalkozás 7-9 éves gyerekeknek szól, akik már tudnak írni, és esetleg kicsit foglalkoztak is az angol nyelvvel. Akár csak nálunk a nyári angol táborunkban 😉
Azoknak, akik voltak nálunk idén angol nyelvi táborban nem kell Alexet bemutatni. Ő lesz a foglalkozásvezető, vele fogunk 2 hetente játékosan, használható angol tudást átadni a gyerekeknek.
Mit kell hozni? Lelkesedést, játékos kedvet és a barátodat!
A foglalkozás díja 3.000 Ft/alkalom
Aki év végéig befizeti a teljes összeget, kedvezményben részesül!
Jelentkezni az címen tudtok!
Várunk mindenkit szeretettel!
Saturday School for beginners
We meet every second Saturday in 1,5 hours with Alex Reyes. To those whom participated at our English summer camp we do not have to introduce Alex, who is a student at ELTE majoring in Sociology. Alex is always friendly and full of good ideas how to spend time together merrily and in the meantime learning the English language.
To the beginners group we accept kids at the age 7-9, who already go to school and preferably can already write.
Bring over your friends, too, and get useful knowledge and vocabulary in a lot of themes, e.g.:
– family and friends
– hobbies, music and sports
– shops and shopping
– travelling
– restaurants, food and eating out
– school and learning
– everything else you want to learn about
Fee: 3.000 HUF/occasion, (discount to those who pay till year end in one amount)
If you want to join, please send an e-mail to, thank you!
Courses are held on Saturdays at 9:30 – 11:00
English for pre-teens (age 10-12)
- Do you want to read comics and watch films in English?
- Do you want to speak to your friends and relatives abroad in English?
- Do you want to manage a few things in English during your vacation?
Then come and talk and play together with some friends and Alex to practice the English language.
Recommended for pre-teens; 10-12 years old students. (class 4th-6th)
Fee: 3.000 HUF/occasion, (discount to those who pay till year end in one amount)
Courses are held on Saturday at 11:00 – 12:30
If you want to join, please send an e-mail to